Enterprise Integration Patterns
Gregor’s Ramblings on WebServices
My latest thoughts on integration architecture:
Event-driven = Loosely coupled? Not so fast!
The Many Facets of Coupling
Serverless Loan Broker @ GCP
A Decade of Enterprise Integration Patterns
(IEEE Software)
20 Years of Patterns' Impact
(IEEE Software)
Conversations Between Loosely Coupled Services
(Video on InfoQ)
Developing in a Service-oriented World
(Video on InfoQ)
SOA Patterns - New Insights or Recycled Knowledge?
Let's Have a Conversation
(IEEE Internet Computing)
Programming Without a Call Stack - Event-driven Architectures
(ObjektSpektrum, 2006)
Your Coffee Shop Does Not Use Two-Phase Commit
(IEEE Software)
Developing in a Service-Oriented World
(ThoughtWorks Whitepaper)
An Asynchronous World
(Software Development)
Nearfield Communication (NFC) in Japan
(OOP 2012)
Embedded OSS
(OOP 2012)
Programming the Cloud
(QCOn Tokyo 2010)
Distributed Programming the Google Way
(Devoxx 2009)
Developing in a Service-Oriented World
(SOACon 2007)
Programming without a Call Stack: Event-driven Architectures
(SOACon 2007)
Software Visualization and Model Extraction
Where did all my beatiful code go?
(SpringOne, 2006)
Conversations Between Loosely Coupled Systems
(SD West, 2006)
Enterprise Integration Patterns
(JAOO, 2003)
Gregor HohpeHi, I am Gregor Hohpe, co-author of the book Enterprise Integration Patterns. I work on and write about asynchronous messaging systems, distributed architectures, and all sorts of enterprise computing and architecture topics.
ALL RAMBLINGS  Architecture (12)  Cloud (12)  Conversations (8)  Design (26)  Events (29)  Gregor (4)  Integration (21)  Messaging (12)  Modeling (5)  Patterns (8)  Visualization (3)  WebServices (5)  Writing (12) 

This blog chronicles my journey with asynchronous and distributed system design over two decades. These are my Ramblings related to WebServices [See all Ramblings].    Subscribe  Subscribe to my ramblings via RSS.

Find my posts on IT strategy, enterprise architecture, and digital transformation at ArchitectElevator.com.

RESTful Conversations   MAR 15, 2015

As indicated a good while ago I spent some time thinking about patterns that instead of following a message through multiple systems, looks at the message exchange over time between a (mostly) fixed set of systems. I call these message exchanges "conversations". Sadly my writing efforts on Conversation Patterns fell very much asleep around 2008, partly due to my fear that with the rise of REST, stateful conversations between systems would step into the background as most integration problems are now solved with a simple POST or GET. A presentation and conversation at Frank Leymann's IaaS PhD Seminar enlightened me that this is not at all true: systems following the REST architectural style very much engage in conversations. Read more »

My Loss, Your Gain - SOA Patterns Article   May 21, 2007

Beginning of this year I submitted an article to a renowned software publication who is running a special issue on software patterns. Sadly, my article did not make it into the magazine but I decided to publish an expanded version on my site. Hey, I got to make it worth your time following my ramblings! Am I bitter that my article was rejected? Not at all, but if I ever get a hold of these #^%#$& -bleep- of a -bleep- I'll...  Read more »

Dagstuhl Seminar   Aug 20, 2006

I just returned from a trip to Germany to attend a workshop on The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architecture. Besides a guaranteed top score in buzzword bingo the workshop provided a unique opportunity to connect thought leaders from academia and industry over the course of a week. The attendee roster sported the usual industry heavyweights, i.e., Microsoft, IBM, SAP, making me proud to add Google to the list.  Read more »

Will the Real Asynchrony Please Stand Up?   May 15, 2005

On a recent project we developed a Web services framework that supports asynchronous callbacks and asynchronous invocation with polling. The difficulties we had describing what we were trying to do to my fellow ThoughtWorkers on other projects prompted me to discuss the different forms of asynchrony in a little more detail. Read more »

Web Services Jeopardy   August 18, 2004

It is nearly impossible to keep track of all the Web Services (WS-*) specifications or proposed "standards". The matter is only worsened by the many competing proposals. Should you be using WS-Eventing or WS-Notification? How about WS-Reliability vs. WS-ReliableMessaging? Even if you choose the "right" specification, it still is likely to evolve over time. So are these standards useful at all for Web Services development today? I contend that they are, albeit in a somewhat unconventional way....  Read more »